Reviewed by Dr Jill McMaster BVM&S MBA MRCVS, Veterinary Surgeon and in-house expert at BorrowMyDoggy on 26 May 2023
There are an estimated 250,000 dogs entering UK rescue centres every year and over 30% of them are mixed breeds. Mixed breeds are less likely to be adopted than pedigrees.
Mixed breeds are loving, diverse and deserve just as much love as pedigrees. If you are eager to find out more about them or want to adopt but are not in a position to currently, why not borrow one?
BorrowMyDoggy has over 110,000 mixed breeds signed up to find borrowers. You can help the owners, spend quality time with a mixed breed and fill the dog-shaped hole in your life.
BorrowMyDoggy is a great oppawtunity to stay open-minded and try out different breeds of dogs. We’ve found that many borrowers have been pleasantly surprised by borrowing a breed that they wouldn’t have even considered - so it’s definitely worth broadening your horizons!
Don’t just take our word for it though, here is what owner Sam had to say about the love her rescue has to give!

Poppy is a Dogs Trust rescue whose owner, Sam, joined BorrowMyDoggy to make the most of Poppy's never-ending energy. They matched with Sevan and Sharon, who have been thinking about getting a dog of their own and now take Poppy on fun adventures to Flyball practice, around the park and more.
“I think it’s fairly obvious to see that Poppy absolutely adores her borrowers. I know that she’s in good company and that she’s loved and she loves them just as much.”
Sam, Sevan and Sharon all believe that "BorrowMyDoggy is more than an arrangement, it’s a friendship.”
Rescue breeds are unique and may come with a sad history but that’s all the more reason to give them love, care and your time. Take as much time as you need to get to know the dog and their owner to make sure you have all the knowledge you need to take really good care of them. Remember to ask lots of questions, try walking and playing with them and soon you will have a wonderful bond with a well-deserving dog.
Useful rehoming advice
Alternative to rehoming your dog
How to socialise your rescue dog