BorrowMyDoggy Logo
three people on a light yellow couch with a dog lying on top of them all

Rufus, Heather, Sue and Mel

Sue and Mel were dog owners for over 30 years, but when their last two dogs sadly passed away, they didn’t want the full-time commitment of another one, so they joined BorrowMyDoggy instead. As they say, “BorrowMyDoggy has given us the sense of being able to enjoy a dog again. To have a dog so close makes a big difference and it gets us out of the house. We’re not asking for money - we love dogs and are not interested in any shape or form in doing this for money.”

Rufus’ owner, Heather, shares how her borrowers, Sue and Mel are actually her neighbours. “I gave Mel and Sue my address and asked out of curiosity where they were, and they replied saying actually we can see your house! I expected to sign up to BorrowMyDoggy, find a match and just get on, but to have a friendship come out of it is just an added bonus - it couldn’t be a more perfect arrangement.”

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Want to hear about a different kind of dog care that both you and your dog will love?

Or perhaps you're a dog lover who can't have one of your own right now?

We have the pawfect solution: BorrowMyDoggy!

How it works
Side doge