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A happy Bernese Mountain Dog and a happy student borrower, sitting on top of a large rock on a cloudy day, resting after an enjoyable hike!

Why students make great dog walkers

10 June 2024

Many students join our dog loving community when they head to university so they can spend some quality time with a local dog. From leaving their family dog to needing stress relief, there are a number of reasons why students join us. There are also some great benefits for both borrowers and owners when students join BorrowMyDoggy. We thought we’d share some of them with our members.


  • Many borrowers have dog experience - The majority of students have moved away from home and have left their family dog behind. Therefore, they have had experience with dog ownership are used to being around dogs. We always recommend owners and borrowers get to know one another before a dog is borrowed so, make sure ask them if they’ve looked after or even borrowed a dog before.
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I joined BorrowMyDoggy after coming to the UK as a graduate student. I was missing my dog terribly… I connected with a family living close by and soon discovered that they were the best dogs and people I could have hoped to meet.” Borrower, Kate from Cambridge

  • Your dog can spend less time alone - Students often have free time during the day due to the timings of their classes, so if you’re looking for some company or walks for your dog in the day time then student borrowers are a great option!
  • You can have one than one borrower - They beauty of BorrowMyDoggy is that if you’re a premium member you’re able to contact an unlimited number of borrowers. If you live near a university you might find a number of student borrowers in your area. This means you can have a number of borrowers helping you out when you’re busy and your pup can spend more time socialising!
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...I am lucky that I live in the city centre and think that's how I have had a lot of interest from students, they are animal lovers and totally love Bear 🐻 so I would definitely recommend joining BorrowMyDoggy” Owner, Irene from Edinburgh


  • The mental benefits - A great way to reduce university or exam stress and feel happier is to spend time with a dog. According to Psychologies Magazine, spending just 15 minutes with a lovable dog can leave you feeling more relaxed and calm.
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“BorrowMyDoggy has been amazing for both my mental and physical health. I suffer with anxiety and depression so getting out of the house helps firstly, as well as having a happy dog and regular exercise for us both. I joined because I'm a university student in Manchester and… I'm used to walking my dog Sam back home and missed it.” Borrower, Isabel from Manchester

  • More exercise - When students head to university, it’s safe to say their physical health can be neglected. However, having a dog to borrow encourages you to get outside and take some time to walk.
  • Making the most of your time - Use that free time you have at the weekends and in the day to get out and about with a furry friend, what's more dogs are a great conversation starter! Head to park and meet other students with a canine companion.

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Looking for a dog walker in West London?

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Looking for a dog walker in Chiswick?

Looking for a dog walker in Chiswick?

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