Walk My Dog%20-%20Find Loving Sitters

Connecting dog owners with local dog lovers for walks, sitting, and holiday care.

I'm an Owner

I'm an Owner

Find a trusted local dog lover to take care of your dog when you can't. They'll treat your dog like family.

Get started
I'm a Borrower

I'm a Borrower

Fill the dog void in your life by spending time with one and helping out Owners at the same time. It's a win-win!

Get started

How it works


Create your free profile

Start searching for friendly local dogs or borrowers.


Make connections

To start messaging safely, all Premium members go through a simple address check.


Meet up

Get to know each other face to face and build trust.


Share the love of dogs

Have fun making new friends. Dogs really benefit from more exercise and social interaction.

Some of our 500,000+ members in the UK and Ireland

Charlie is looking for walks and playdates

Jane's family borrows Dusty after school

Eddie is looking for extra attention and love

Stephanie borrows Roxy during her owners' holiday

Why use BorrowMyDoggy?



Connect with local members for short walks or long stays.



All Premium members take our safety checks, and membership includes insurance and access to a Vet line.



1 in 3 dogs are overweight. Regular walks and exercise are essential to the health of every dog.

Katherine and Peter, George's owners

"There's always someone local who can look after our dog, George. He's with them one-on-one and able to build a relationship."

Katherine and Peter, George's owners

Mandy, Byron's borrower

"I love walking and now having Byron in my life I do lengthy walks and have a wonderful time with him."

Mandy, Byron's borrower

The Daily Telegraph
"Borrowing a dog is a fantastic idea."
The Sunday Times
"Owners can save on the astronomical costs of kennels and walkers."
The Huffington Post
"Through BorrowMyDoggy I have met and become friends with my neighbours."